Thank you

Hello Everyone,

We would like to wish you a very Happy Christmas and thank you for your support and loyalty throughout another difficult year.

After 2020, I am sure we all expected 2021 to be easier, but it has finished with the same challenges and restrictions.

2021 could have very much worse however if you - our valued tenants - had not reacted so magnificently and generously. I doubt many landlords enjoy such warm relationships with their tenants.

We do not take for granted how kind and decent you are towards us and each other. To this end, as we did in 2020, we continued to work as normal throughout the year, did not furlough our staff, in fact recruited additional staff members, and tried to maintain and improve our properties to the best of our ability. As the challenges mounted, we have tried to step up, not back.

We are now looking forward to spending time with our families as no doubt you are too.

We will see you in the New Year and we hope it heralds a return to the rich life of freedom and opportunity that we all prize so highly.

Andrew Williams, Zee Islam, Tom Hudson, James Bush, Atila Mehmet

December 2021

Now a few matters of Christmas housekeeping...  

keep the house safe over the holidays

Please take extra care to lock all doors and windows every time you leave the house at the moment.

They say this time of year is known for an increased incidence of burglaries so let’s not make it easy for anyone to break in:

  • Doors - I suggest the front door should be dead-locked every time you leave and especially over the Christmas period itself

  • Windows - please don’t leave any windows open

  • Heating - please don’t leave your radiator or heater on if you’re going to be away

  • Alarm clocks - please turn off if you’re away for a period

  • Other appliances - please turn off and unplug

  • General tidy - please leave the house as you expect to find it

Christmas emergency Contact Numbers

We are away for Christmas not returning until 4th January but our phones will be on in case of emergencies as follows:

  • Tom / Zee - 07969 292896

  • Andrew - 07973 179201

  • Atila - 07542 385307