Application to Rent
It is very important to us to find a new tenant who will be a good fit with existing housemates. So we would like to more about you if you would like to become our tenant.
Please complete the form below as best you can. If your situation is changing, tell us what you are going to be doing, not what you have done. We will use the information to populate a tenancy agreement which we will email to you.
You are not committing to anything by completing this form and we will never share any part of your data with another business ever.
What Happens once you complete the form?
We will use the information to populate a Tenancy Agreement
We will email it to you if we are happy to proceed
Details of what money you need to pay and when will be on the email
There will not be anything to sign, rather we will exchange emails to signify your acceptance of the terms offered
We attach a preview of the terms and conditions here
We will also need a copy of your passport including the visa page proving your right to live in the UK if you are not a UK citizen
It is only when you reply to this email, signifying your acceptance of the tenancy agreement and transferring money to us that we have a binding legal agreement and you have security of tenure in your new home for the period agreed